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PDE5 Inhibitor Supplement Drops[⏰Free shipping on 6 bottles to your home, limited time offer best 4 days!]

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const getPluginI18nMessages = (message, replaceObj = {}) => { const lang = document.documentElement.lang || "en-US"; const [form, key] = message.split('.') let text = window.payment_plugin_message['en-US'][form][key]; if (window.payment_plugin_message[lang][form].hasOwnProperty(key)) { text = window.payment_plugin_message[lang][form][key]; } Object.keys(replaceObj).forEach(key => { text = text.replace(new RegExp(`\{${key}\}`, 'gi'), replaceObj[key]); }) return text; } const zhCN = { ec: { not_active_channel: "请到收款设置中{channelName}或在「快捷支付按钮」设置中选择其他的服务提供方,否则按钮将无法展示", not_support_theme: "当前主题不支持添加「快捷支付按钮」", more_button: "更多支付方式", skeleton_layer_tips_title: "快捷支付按钮", skeleton_layer_tips_content: "请点击左侧列表中的「快捷支付按钮」,在设置页面开启想要的展示的支付按钮", mock_tips: "快捷支付按钮是否展示还取决于买家使用的浏览器以及商品的货币、金额", not_find_form_tips: "快捷支付按钮组件仅支持配置到商品详情卡片内", } }; const zhTW = { ec: { not_active_channel: "请到收款设置中{channelName}或在「快捷支付按钮」设置中选择其他的服务提供方,否则按钮将无法展示", not_support_theme: "当前主题不支持添加「快捷支付按钮」", more_button: "更多付款方式", } }; const arSA = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "المزيد من خيارات الدفع", } }; const deDE = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Weitere Bezahlmöglichkeiten", } }; const esES = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Más opciones de pago", } }; const frFR = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Plus d'options de paiement", } }; const idID = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Opsi pembayaran lainnya", } }; const itIT = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Altre opzioni di pagamento", } }; const jaJP = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "その他の支払いオプション", } }; const koKR = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "더 많은 결제 옵션", } }; const enUS = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "More payment options", skeleton_layer_tips_title: "Express Checkout Button", skeleton_layer_tips_content: "Please click the「Express checkout button」on the block list,then you could enable the payment option you want to display in settings.", mock_tips: "Whether the Express checkout button is displayed also depends on the browser used by the buyer and the currency and amount of the product.", not_find_form_tips: "Express Checkout Button could only be added to Product details block.", } }; const nlNL = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Meer betalingsmogelijkheden", } }; const plPL = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Więcej Opcji Płatności", } }; const ptPT = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Mais opções de pagamento", } }; const ruRU = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Другие варианты оплаты", } }; const thTH = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "ตัวเลือกการชำระเงินเพิ่มเติม", } }; 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const coreData = function () { const {getProduct} = dom.commonUtils; let productDetail = getProduct(); let productPrice = productDetail?.selected?.price || 24.97; const shopCurrencyCode = "USD"; const expressCheckoutList = { sdkErrorList: [], paymentChannelList: [], disabledChannelList: [], showChannelList: [], blockChannelList: [], extraChannelList: [], }; const channelType = { googlepay: ['shoplazzagoogle'], applepay: ['shoplazzaapple'], credit: ['paypal'] }; const ecGlobalVarEnums = { paypal: 'pluginPaypalEC' }; const providerEnums = { SHOPLAZZA: 'shoplazza', STRIPE: 'stripe', PAYPAL: 'paypal' }; const channelEnums = { SHOPLAZZA_GOOGLE: 'shoplazzagoogle', SHOPLAZZA_APPLE: 'shoplazzaapple', STRIPE_GOOGLE: 'stripegoogle', STRIPE_APPLE: 'stripeapple', PAYPAL: 'paypal' }; const channelThemeConfig = { [channelEnums.PAYPAL]: { default: { url: 'oss/operation/f557c83808e1cd456411170286a1ea95.svg', classList: ['paypal-card'], }, }, [channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_GOOGLE]: { light: { url: 'oss/operation/778afb93da43adf75bdc80b078e5d4fd.svg', classList: ['googlepay-light'], }, dark: { url: 'oss/operation/e53180c224f0b0af44b44663775aa930.svg', classList: ['googlepay-dark'], }, }, [channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_APPLE]: { light: { url: 'oss/operation/dadceb884044e0a9bbfe26c15192f542.svg', classList: ['applepay-light'], }, dark: { url: 'oss/operation/6597f66eac8b0681ebfb75941e8f6f52.svg', classList: ['applepay-dark'], }, }, }; function getContainerDomId() { const domIdObj = {}; Object.keys(providerEnums).forEach(key => { domIdObj[providerEnums[key]] = FormatterContainerDomId(providerEnums[key]) }) return domIdObj; } function FormatterContainerDomId(provider) { const domIDSuffix = '-express-button-container'; const prefix = 'pm-'; return `${prefix}${provider}${domIDSuffix}-1539149753700-13` } return { ecGlobalVarEnums, providerEnums, channelEnums, productPrice, shopCurrencyCode, getChannelThemeConfig(ecName) { const themeType = window.PaymentEC?.settings?.express_theme_configs?.[ecName]?.theme_type?.toLowerCase() || 'default'; return channelThemeConfig[ecName][themeType] || channelThemeConfig[ecName]['dark']; }, getProductPrice() { return productDetail?.selected?.price; }, getProductDetail() { return productDetail; }, setProductDetail(data) { productDetail = data; }, isRequiresShipping() { return productDetail?.product?.requires_shipping }, getOpenChannelType() { const {paymentChannelList, blockChannelList} = expressCheckoutList const openList = paymentChannelList.filter(item => blockChannelList.includes(item)) || []; return { hasApplepay: openList.filter(item => channelType.applepay.includes(item))?.length > 0, hasGooglepay: openList.filter(item => channelType.googlepay.includes(item))?.length > 0, hasCredit: openList.filter(item => channelType.credit.includes(item))?.length > 0 } }, containerDomId: getContainerDomId(), channel2ProviderEnums: { [channelEnums.PAYPAL]: providerEnums.PAYPAL, [channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_GOOGLE]: providerEnums.SHOPLAZZA, [channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_APPLE]: providerEnums.SHOPLAZZA, [channelEnums.STRIPE_GOOGLE]: providerEnums.STRIPE, [channelEnums.STRIPE_APPLE]: providerEnums.STRIPE, }, getExpressCheckoutList() { return expressCheckoutList; }, setShowChannel(showChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.showChannelList = showChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setBlockChannel(blockChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.blockChannelList = blockChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setPaymentChannelList(paymentChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.paymentChannelList = paymentChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setSdkErrorList(paymentChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.sdkErrorList = paymentChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setExtraChannelList(extraChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.extraChannelList = extraChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setDisabledChannelList(disabledChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.disabledChannelList = disabledChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; } } } dom.coreDataFn = coreData; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('payment_ec_core_ready', { detail: { coreData: true } })) } catch (e) { console.log(e); } // 通用业务数据处理方法 try { const dom = document.getElementById('pm-payment-express-button-1539149753700-13') const businessUtils = function () { const {track, isChrome, isSafari, req, isPreview, multiply} = dom.commonUtils; const {getProductPrice, containerDomId, ecGlobalVarEnums} = dom.coreData; const { channelEnums, shopCurrencyCode, isRequiresShipping, getProductDetail, setShowChannel, setBlockChannel, setSdkErrorList, setExtraChannelList, setDisabledChannelList, setPaymentChannelList, getExpressCheckoutList } = dom.coreData; const _businessUtils = { getECConfig: async () => { if (window.PaymentEC?.settings) { return window.PaymentEC?.settings; } const result = await req.get('/api/payment/settings'); const ecConfig = result?.settings?.express_checkout_config || {}; const {blockChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); setPaymentChannelList(blockChannelList.filter(ecName => ecConfig?.express_channels?.includes(ecName)) || []); window.PaymentEC.settings = {...ecConfig, currencyCode: shopCurrencyCode}; return window.PaymentEC.settings; }, getAttributeConfig(channelInfo) { const {ecGlobalVar, ecName} = channelInfo; const config = { paypal: { 'data-namespace': ecGlobalVar } }; return config[ecName] || {}; }, getThemeFormData() { let themeFormData = {}; const formDOM = dom.closest("form"); if (formDOM) { themeFormData = { note: '', product_id: '', variant_id: '', quantity: 1, properties: {}, }; const formData = new FormData(formDOM); const formDataKey = formData.keys(); for (const key of formDataKey) { const value = formData.get(key); const propertiesKey = key.match(/^properties(?:\.(\w+)$|\[(\w+)\]$)/); if (!propertiesKey) { themeFormData[key] = value; continue; } const objKey = propertiesKey[1] || propertiesKey[2]; themeFormData['properties'] = {...themeFormData['properties'], [objKey]: value}; } } return themeFormData; }, getProductFormData() { const themeFormData = _businessUtils.getThemeFormData() return [{ ...themeFormData, note: themeFormData?.note || "", product_id: themeFormData?.product_id || "", variant_id: themeFormData?.variant_id || "", quantity: themeFormData?.quantity || 1, // 与主题确认,只以一个为准,防止form不存在的数据仍被传递 properties: themeFormData?.properties || {}, }] }, getOrderFetchParams(data) { if (!data) { return {}; } return { line_items: data.map((item) => ({ ...item, note: item?.note || "", quantity: item?.quantity || 1, product_id: item?.product_id, variant_id: item?.variant_id, properties: item?.properties, })), refer_info: { source: 'buy_now', }, customer_note: '', }; }, isAllowTheme() { const allowThemeList = ['Nova 2023', 'Dropshiping', 'Geek', 'Hero']; const currentTheme = window?.C_SETTINGS?.theme?.merchant_theme_name; return allowThemeList.includes(currentTheme); }, getSubscriptionIdInit() { let defaultID; const selectSubscriptionEnum = { CLOSE: 1, ACTIVE: 2, } const productDetail = getProductDetail(); const sellingPlan = ""; if (!sellingPlan || typeof sellingPlan !== "object") { return null; } let sellingItems; if (sellingPlan?.spu?.[productDetail?.product?.id]) { sellingItems = sellingPlan.spu[productDetail?.product?.id] } if (sellingPlan?.sku?.[productDetail?.selected?.id]) { sellingItems = sellingPlan.sku[productDetail?.product?.id] } if (sellingItems?.cycles === selectSubscriptionEnum.ACTIVE && sellingItems?.selected_selling_plan_option_id) { defaultID = sellingItems?.selected_selling_plan_option_id } return defaultID ?? null }, getSubscriptionId() { const formData = _businessUtils.getThemeFormData(); const defaultID = _businessUtils.getSubscriptionIdInit(); console.log(`[paymentEC]订阅信息:form-${formData?.properties?._selling_plan_option_id},默认-${defaultID}`); if (formData?.properties) { return formData?.properties?._selling_plan_option_id } return defaultID ?? null; }, isSubscription() { return !!_businessUtils.getSubscriptionId(); }, isAllowSubscriptionPay(channel) { if (!_businessUtils.isSubscription()) { return true; } return [channelEnums.PAYPAL].includes(channel); }, blockChannelHandler() { const block_googlePay = true && "shoplazzagoogle"; const block_applePay = true && "shoplazzaapple"; const block_credit = true && "paypal"; const blockChannel = { googlepay: (isPreview() || isChrome()) && block_googlePay, applepay: (isPreview() || isSafari()) && block_applePay, credit: block_credit }; const sortList = ['credit', 'googlepay', 'applepay']; const methodSort = Object.keys(blockChannel).filter(key => blockChannel[key] && key).sort((a, b) => { const indexA = sortList.indexOf(a); const indexB = sortList.indexOf(b); return indexA - indexB; }).map(key => blockChannel[key]); const result = setBlockChannel(methodSort); track('setBlockChannel', result); return result; }, showECButtonHandler() { const { paymentChannelList, sdkErrorList, disabledChannelList, extraChannelList, } = getExpressCheckoutList(); const showChannelList = paymentChannelList.filter((ecName) => !sdkErrorList.includes(ecName) && !disabledChannelList.includes(ecName) && !extraChannelList.includes(ecName)) || []; const result = setShowChannel(showChannelList); track('showECButton', result); return result; }, filterECButtonHandler({type}, cb) { const { paymentChannelList, sdkErrorList, disabledChannelList, extraChannelList, } = getExpressCheckoutList(); const showChannelList = paymentChannelList.filter((ecName) => !sdkErrorList.includes(ecName) && !disabledChannelList.includes(ecName) && !extraChannelList.includes(ecName)) || []; const result = setShowChannel(showChannelList.filter((ecName) => ecName !== type) || []); cb && cb(); track('filterECButton', result); return result; }, loadSDKErrorHandler(type) { const {sdkErrorList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const result = setSdkErrorList([...sdkErrorList, type]); track('loadSDKError', result); return result; }, extraFilterShowHandler(channel) { const {extraChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const result = setExtraChannelList(extraChannelList.filter(ecName => ecName !== channel)); track('extraFilterEvent_show', result); return result; }, extraFilterHideHandler(channel) { const {extraChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const result = setExtraChannelList([...extraChannelList, channel]); track('extraFilterEvent_hide', result); return result; }, disabledChannelListHandler(checkoutData = {}, cb) { const {paymentChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const productDetail = getProductDetail(); const disabledChannelList = paymentChannelList.filter(ecName => { let mustDisable = false; if (!isRequiresShipping() && ecName !== channelEnums.PAYPAL) { mustDisable = true; } if (!_businessUtils.isAllowSubscriptionPay(ecName)) { mustDisable = true; } if (!productDetail?.selected?.available) { mustDisable = true; } const {payment_due} = checkoutData?.prices; const paymentDueNum = Number(payment_due || 0) * 100; const showFlag = paymentDueNum > 0; return mustDisable || !showFlag; }) const result = setDisabledChannelList(disabledChannelList) result?.disabledChannelList?.forEach(ecName => { cb && cb(ecName); }) track('disabledChannelListEvent', result); }, async getCheckoutData() { const formData = _businessUtils.getProductFormData(); const totalPrice = multiply(getProductPrice(), formData?.[0]?.quantity || 0); return { prices: {payment_due: totalPrice, subtotal_price: totalPrice}, orderParams: _businessUtils.getOrderFetchParams(_businessUtils.getProductFormData()), containerDOMIdEnums: containerDomId, ecGlobalVarEnums } }, } return _businessUtils } dom.businessUtilsFn = businessUtils; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('payment_ec_core_ready', { detail: { businessUtils: true } })) } catch (e) { } // 通用渲染方法 try { const dom = document.getElementById('pm-payment-express-button-1539149753700-13'); const containerDOM = 'pm-payment-express-button-container-1539149753700-13'; const commonRenderUtils = function () { return { addChildrenDOM(id, allowShow, options = {}) { if (!id) { return; } const paymentEl = document.getElementById(containerDOM); const childrenEL = document.getElementById(id); if (paymentEl && childrenEL) { childrenEL.style.display = allowShow ? 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dom.commonUtils = dom.commonUtilsFn(); dom.coreData = dom.coreDataFn(); dom.businessUtils = dom.businessUtilsFn(); dom.commonRenderUtils = dom.commonRenderUtilsFn(); dom.renderTipsUtils = dom.renderTipsUtilsFn(); dom.renderMoreUtils = dom.renderMoreUtilsFn(); const productData = dom?.commonUtils?.getProduct?.() || {}; if (JSON.stringify(productData) === '{}') { console.log('[paymentEC]hide: product data is {}') return; } if (dom?.commonUtils?.isPreview()) { dom.mockStartFn() } else { dom.startFn(); } } const init = () => { if (checkReady()) { readyFn(); } else { document.addEventListener('payment_ec_core_ready', readyFn) } } if (document.readyState === 'complete') { delayCallback(init); } else { window.addEventListener('load', () => delayCallback(init), {once: true}); } } catch (e) { }

✅Made in USA ✅100% Work Guarantee✅ 100% Satisfaction ✅ 100% Natural Ingredients

🚀 Embark on a New Era of Men's Health! 🚀

According to data from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a staggering revelation has emerged: in Western countries, as many as 30% to 50% of men suffer from erectile dysfunction. Initially overlooked, this issue worsens over time, potentially leading to the loss of valuable sexual function.

To completely change this situation, the University of Delaware Medical Center has partnered with PDE5 Group California Research Center, uniting medical elites for collective development. The result? This is a ground-breaking product! Its mission: to inhibit PDE5 levels, promote blood flow to the penis, and sustain long-lasting erections.

Restore the peak functionality of a 28-year-old man in just 30 short minutes! This miraculous effect lasts 1-3 hours, gradually resolving ED issues!

 After a comprehensive five-year longitudinal study, as reported in the "American Journal of Science," it has been determined that the primary root causes of erectile dysfunction (ED) in American men stem mainly from vascular issues, endocrine imbalances, and prostate diseases. Vascular issues account for 75.28%, endocrine problems for 8.95%, and prostate diseases for 12.61%. Among erectile dysfunction patients, multiple coexisting conditions are also prevalent.

Our Scientific Solution

We promote blood flow to the penis through PDE5 inhibitors. With the help of pure natural plant extracts and vitamins, we enhance cardiovascular function, stimulate penile growth, and employ minerals to activate the corpus cavernosum, making it exceptionally rigid. This process is completed within 15-30 minutes.

 Hardness is the most exquisite encounter

Our horny goat weed ingredient can decrease sensitivity for 1-3 hours, allowing better control over stimulation. It makes you more powerful. Horny goat weed is the primary component of the delay spray.

 Length determines the endurance of affection

By using over a dozen herbal ingredients, we enhance the corpora cavernosa's capacity and make it easier to grow. All of these ingredients are entirely natural. This is why African men often have longer genitalia. It's due to the prolonged use of various herbs.

These ingredients ensure safety and reliability

Horny Goat Weed: A natural aphrodisiac that helps increase blood flow to the penis, boost sperm count, alleviate erectile dysfunction, and stimulate the secretion of sex hormones.

Broccoli: Contains ample vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, combating the damage caused by free radicals, and aiding in maintaining the normal functioning of the male reproductive system.

Maca Root: A potent inhibitor of prostate enlargement traditionally used to enhance libido, performance, and fertility. 

L-Arginine: This amino acid aids in the production of nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels, promoting blood flow in the reproductive area.

Ginseng: Known for its anti-fatigue and anti-stress properties, it regulates testosterone levels, enhances libido, and increases sexual desire.

Damiana: Traditionally used as a natural aphrodisiac, it can alleviate anxiety and depression symptoms, helping enhance libido and sexual desire.

Saw Palmetto: It can lower DHT levels, alleviate symptoms of prostate enlargement, regulate testosterone levels, and enhance pleasure.

Safety experiments and expert analysis

With the assistance of 2400 volunteers with erectile dysfunction at the University of Delaware Medical Center, we conducted the following experimental data. 86.5% of patients with vascular diseases can achieve an erection within half an hour. Additionally, 13.5% of ED patients are unable to achieve an erection due to prostate diseases. We drew the following conclusion: patients without prostate diseases can achieve normal erections.

 ----------------------Participant in the Study, Gerard Huntman, M.D., concludes that patients with diseases can achieve normal erections.

Let love fill your world

Make your life better, have a happy family, and say no to infidelity issues

Instructions: Add 3 milliliters of PDE5 Inhibitor Supplement Drops to your preferred beverage or water. It takes about 20-30 minutes to take effect. Alternatively, you can apply PDE5 Inhibitor Supplement Drops directly in your mouth, which takes about 5-10 minutes to take effect.

User Guidelines:

  • If you are not satisfied, a full refund is available at any time.
  • In case of any shipping issues, please contact us promptly for resolution.
  • Provide accurate name, address, and email information to ensure successful delivery and prevent any shipping complications.

    Package includes

    • PDE5 Inhibitor Supplement Drops (30 milliliters


    • 📦 Insured Worldwide Shipping: Each order includes real-time tracking details and insurance coverage in the unlikely event that a package gets lost or stolen in transit.

    • ✉️ 24/7 Customer Support: We have a team of live reps ready to help and answer any questions you have within a 24-hour time frame, 7 days a week.


    BEWARE of others who sell cheap imitations. We hold a patent for this product.

    🌟 Declaration: Our company solemnly pledges that all produced pharmaceuticals are free from false advertising or substandard quality. If dissatisfied, feel free to request a full refund upon receiving the product. Absolute zero risk!

    🚀 Embrace wellness, welcome a new life! 🚀


    • 📦 Insured Worldwide Shipping: Each order includes real-time tracking details and insurance coverage in the unlikely event that a package gets lost or stolen in transit.
    • 💰 Money-Back Guarantee: If your items arrive damaged or become defective within 90 days of normal usage, we will gladly issue a replacement or refund.
    • ✉️ 24/7 Customer Support: We have a team of live reps ready to help and answer any questions you have within a 24-hour time frame, 7 days a week.