Prostate Natural Herbal Capsules Save Prostate Health PRO(Flash Sale Now)
Prostate Natural Herbal Capsules Save Prostate Health PRO(Flash Sale Now)
Prostate Natural Herbal Capsules Save Prostate Health PRO(Flash Sale Now)
Prostate Natural Herbal Capsules Save Prostate Health PRO(Flash Sale Now)
Prostate Natural Herbal Capsules Save Prostate Health PRO(Flash Sale Now)
Prostate Natural Herbal Capsules Save Prostate Health PRO(Flash Sale Now)
Prostate Natural Herbal Capsules Save Prostate Health PRO(Flash Sale Now)
Prostate Natural Herbal Capsules Save Prostate Health PRO(Flash Sale Now)
Prostate Natural Herbal Capsules Save Prostate Health PRO(Flash Sale Now)
Prostate Natural Herbal Capsules Save Prostate Health PRO(Flash Sale Now)
Prostate Natural Herbal Capsules Save Prostate Health PRO(Flash Sale Now)
Prostate Natural Herbal Capsules Save Prostate Health PRO(Flash Sale Now)

Prostate Natural Herbal Capsules Save Prostate Health PRO(Flash Sale Now)

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Save  $36.02
🌎Worldwide Shipping⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐4.9 (1837 Reviews)
🆗Filed with the FDA & EU Certification 🆗Returnable within 30 days of receipt of shipment
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const getPluginI18nMessages = (message, replaceObj = {}) => { const lang = document.documentElement.lang || "en-US"; const [form, key] = message.split('.') let text = window.payment_plugin_message['en-US'][form][key]; if (window.payment_plugin_message[lang][form].hasOwnProperty(key)) { text = window.payment_plugin_message[lang][form][key]; } Object.keys(replaceObj).forEach(key => { text = text.replace(new RegExp(`\{${key}\}`, 'gi'), replaceObj[key]); }) return text; } const zhCN = { ec: { not_active_channel: "请到收款设置中{channelName}或在「快捷支付按钮」设置中选择其他的服务提供方,否则按钮将无法展示", not_support_theme: "当前主题不支持添加「快捷支付按钮」", more_button: "更多支付方式", skeleton_layer_tips_title: "快捷支付按钮", skeleton_layer_tips_content: "请点击左侧列表中的「快捷支付按钮」,在设置页面开启想要的展示的支付按钮", mock_tips: "快捷支付按钮是否展示还取决于买家使用的浏览器以及商品的货币、金额", not_find_form_tips: "快捷支付按钮组件仅支持配置到商品详情卡片内", } }; const zhTW = { ec: { not_active_channel: "请到收款设置中{channelName}或在「快捷支付按钮」设置中选择其他的服务提供方,否则按钮将无法展示", not_support_theme: "当前主题不支持添加「快捷支付按钮」", more_button: "更多付款方式", } }; 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const idID = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Opsi pembayaran lainnya", } }; const itIT = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Altre opzioni di pagamento", } }; const jaJP = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "その他の支払いオプション", } }; const koKR = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "더 많은 결제 옵션", } }; const enUS = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "More payment options", skeleton_layer_tips_title: "Express Checkout Button", skeleton_layer_tips_content: "Please click the「Express checkout button」on the block list,then you could enable the payment option you want to display in settings.", mock_tips: "Whether the Express checkout button is displayed also depends on the browser used by the buyer and the currency and amount of the product.", not_find_form_tips: "Express Checkout Button could only be added to Product details block.", } }; const nlNL = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Meer betalingsmogelijkheden", } }; const plPL = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Więcej Opcji Płatności", } }; const ptPT = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Mais opções de pagamento", } }; const ruRU = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Другие варианты оплаты", } }; const thTH = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "ตัวเลือกการชำระเงินเพิ่มเติม", } }; 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const coreData = function () { const {getProduct} = dom.commonUtils; let productDetail = getProduct(); let productPrice = productDetail?.selected?.price || 23.97; const shopCurrencyCode = "USD"; const expressCheckoutList = { sdkErrorList: [], paymentChannelList: [], disabledChannelList: [], showChannelList: [], blockChannelList: [], extraChannelList: [], }; const channelType = { googlepay: ['shoplazzagoogle'], applepay: ['shoplazzaapple'], credit: ['paypal'] }; const ecGlobalVarEnums = { paypal: 'pluginPaypalEC' }; const providerEnums = { SHOPLAZZA: 'shoplazza', STRIPE: 'stripe', PAYPAL: 'paypal' }; const channelEnums = { SHOPLAZZA_GOOGLE: 'shoplazzagoogle', SHOPLAZZA_APPLE: 'shoplazzaapple', STRIPE_GOOGLE: 'stripegoogle', STRIPE_APPLE: 'stripeapple', PAYPAL: 'paypal' }; const channelThemeConfig = { [channelEnums.PAYPAL]: { default: { url: 'oss/operation/f557c83808e1cd456411170286a1ea95.svg', classList: ['paypal-card'], }, }, [channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_GOOGLE]: { light: { url: 'oss/operation/778afb93da43adf75bdc80b078e5d4fd.svg', classList: ['googlepay-light'], }, dark: { url: 'oss/operation/e53180c224f0b0af44b44663775aa930.svg', classList: ['googlepay-dark'], }, }, [channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_APPLE]: { light: { url: 'oss/operation/dadceb884044e0a9bbfe26c15192f542.svg', classList: ['applepay-light'], }, dark: { url: 'oss/operation/6597f66eac8b0681ebfb75941e8f6f52.svg', classList: ['applepay-dark'], }, }, }; function getContainerDomId() { const domIdObj = {}; Object.keys(providerEnums).forEach(key => { domIdObj[providerEnums[key]] = FormatterContainerDomId(providerEnums[key]) }) return domIdObj; } function FormatterContainerDomId(provider) { const domIDSuffix = '-express-button-container'; const prefix = 'pm-'; return `${prefix}${provider}${domIDSuffix}-1539149753700-13` } return { ecGlobalVarEnums, providerEnums, channelEnums, productPrice, shopCurrencyCode, getChannelThemeConfig(ecName) { const themeType = window.PaymentEC?.settings?.express_theme_configs?.[ecName]?.theme_type?.toLowerCase() || 'default'; return channelThemeConfig[ecName][themeType] || channelThemeConfig[ecName]['dark']; }, getProductPrice() { return productDetail?.selected?.price; }, getProductDetail() { return productDetail; }, setProductDetail(data) { productDetail = data; }, isRequiresShipping() { return productDetail?.product?.requires_shipping }, getOpenChannelType() { const {paymentChannelList, blockChannelList} = expressCheckoutList const openList = paymentChannelList.filter(item => blockChannelList.includes(item)) || []; return { hasApplepay: openList.filter(item => channelType.applepay.includes(item))?.length > 0, hasGooglepay: openList.filter(item => channelType.googlepay.includes(item))?.length > 0, hasCredit: openList.filter(item => > 0 } }, containerDomId: getContainerDomId(), channel2ProviderEnums: { [channelEnums.PAYPAL]: providerEnums.PAYPAL, [channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_GOOGLE]: providerEnums.SHOPLAZZA, [channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_APPLE]: providerEnums.SHOPLAZZA, [channelEnums.STRIPE_GOOGLE]: providerEnums.STRIPE, [channelEnums.STRIPE_APPLE]: providerEnums.STRIPE, }, getExpressCheckoutList() { return expressCheckoutList; }, setShowChannel(showChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.showChannelList = showChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setBlockChannel(blockChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.blockChannelList = blockChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setPaymentChannelList(paymentChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.paymentChannelList = paymentChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setSdkErrorList(paymentChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.sdkErrorList = paymentChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setExtraChannelList(extraChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.extraChannelList = extraChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setDisabledChannelList(disabledChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.disabledChannelList = disabledChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; } } } dom.coreDataFn = coreData; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('payment_ec_core_ready', { detail: { coreData: true } })) } catch (e) { console.log(e); } // 通用业务数据处理方法 try { const dom = document.getElementById('pm-payment-express-button-1539149753700-13') const businessUtils = function () { const {track, isChrome, isSafari, req, isPreview, multiply} = dom.commonUtils; const {getProductPrice, containerDomId, ecGlobalVarEnums} = dom.coreData; const { channelEnums, shopCurrencyCode, isRequiresShipping, getProductDetail, setShowChannel, setBlockChannel, setSdkErrorList, setExtraChannelList, setDisabledChannelList, setPaymentChannelList, getExpressCheckoutList } = dom.coreData; const _businessUtils = { getECConfig: async () => { if (window.PaymentEC?.settings) { return window.PaymentEC?.settings; } const result = await req.get('/api/payment/settings'); const ecConfig = result?.settings?.express_checkout_config || {}; const {blockChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); setPaymentChannelList(blockChannelList.filter(ecName => ecConfig?.express_channels?.includes(ecName)) || []); window.PaymentEC.settings = {...ecConfig, currencyCode: shopCurrencyCode}; return window.PaymentEC.settings; }, getAttributeConfig(channelInfo) { const {ecGlobalVar, ecName} = channelInfo; const config = { paypal: { 'data-namespace': ecGlobalVar } }; return config[ecName] || {}; }, getThemeFormData() { let themeFormData = {}; const formDOM = dom.closest("form"); if (formDOM) { themeFormData = { note: '', product_id: '', variant_id: '', quantity: 1, properties: {}, }; const formData = new FormData(formDOM); const formDataKey = formData.keys(); for (const key of formDataKey) { const value = formData.get(key); const propertiesKey = key.match(/^properties(?:\.(\w+)$|\[(\w+)\]$)/); if (!propertiesKey) { themeFormData[key] = value; continue; } const objKey = propertiesKey[1] || propertiesKey[2]; themeFormData['properties'] = {...themeFormData['properties'], [objKey]: value}; } } return themeFormData; }, getProductFormData() { const themeFormData = _businessUtils.getThemeFormData() return [{ ...themeFormData, note: themeFormData?.note || "", product_id: themeFormData?.product_id || "", variant_id: themeFormData?.variant_id || "", quantity: themeFormData?.quantity || 1, // 与主题确认,只以一个为准,防止form不存在的数据仍被传递 properties: themeFormData?.properties || {}, }] }, getOrderFetchParams(data) { if (!data) { return {}; } return { line_items: => ({ ...item, note: item?.note || "", quantity: item?.quantity || 1, product_id: item?.product_id, variant_id: item?.variant_id, properties: item?.properties, })), refer_info: { source: 'buy_now', }, customer_note: '', }; }, isAllowTheme() { const allowThemeList = ['Nova 2023', 'Dropshiping', 'Geek', 'Hero']; const currentTheme = window?.C_SETTINGS?.theme?.merchant_theme_name; return allowThemeList.includes(currentTheme); }, getSubscriptionIdInit() { let defaultID; const selectSubscriptionEnum = { CLOSE: 1, ACTIVE: 2, } const productDetail = getProductDetail(); const sellingPlan = ""; if (!sellingPlan || typeof sellingPlan !== "object") { return null; } let sellingItems; if (sellingPlan?.spu?.[productDetail?.product?.id]) { sellingItems = sellingPlan.spu[productDetail?.product?.id] } if (sellingPlan?.sku?.[productDetail?.selected?.id]) { sellingItems = sellingPlan.sku[productDetail?.product?.id] } if (sellingItems?.cycles === selectSubscriptionEnum.ACTIVE && sellingItems?.selected_selling_plan_option_id) { defaultID = sellingItems?.selected_selling_plan_option_id } return defaultID ?? null }, getSubscriptionId() { const formData = _businessUtils.getThemeFormData(); const defaultID = _businessUtils.getSubscriptionIdInit(); console.log(`[paymentEC]订阅信息:form-${formData?.properties?._selling_plan_option_id},默认-${defaultID}`); if (formData?.properties) { return formData?.properties?._selling_plan_option_id } return defaultID ?? null; }, isSubscription() { return !!_businessUtils.getSubscriptionId(); }, isAllowSubscriptionPay(channel) { if (!_businessUtils.isSubscription()) { return true; } return [channelEnums.PAYPAL].includes(channel); }, blockChannelHandler() { const block_googlePay = true && "shoplazzagoogle"; const block_applePay = true && "shoplazzaapple"; const block_credit = true && "paypal"; const blockChannel = { googlepay: (isPreview() || isChrome()) && block_googlePay, applepay: (isPreview() || isSafari()) && block_applePay, credit: block_credit }; const sortList = ['credit', 'googlepay', 'applepay']; const methodSort = Object.keys(blockChannel).filter(key => blockChannel[key] && key).sort((a, b) => { const indexA = sortList.indexOf(a); const indexB = sortList.indexOf(b); return indexA - indexB; }).map(key => blockChannel[key]); const result = setBlockChannel(methodSort); track('setBlockChannel', result); return result; }, showECButtonHandler() { const { paymentChannelList, sdkErrorList, disabledChannelList, extraChannelList, } = getExpressCheckoutList(); const showChannelList = paymentChannelList.filter((ecName) => !sdkErrorList.includes(ecName) && !disabledChannelList.includes(ecName) && !extraChannelList.includes(ecName)) || []; const result = setShowChannel(showChannelList); track('showECButton', result); return result; }, filterECButtonHandler({type}, cb) { const { paymentChannelList, sdkErrorList, disabledChannelList, extraChannelList, } = getExpressCheckoutList(); const showChannelList = paymentChannelList.filter((ecName) => !sdkErrorList.includes(ecName) && !disabledChannelList.includes(ecName) && !extraChannelList.includes(ecName)) || []; const result = setShowChannel(showChannelList.filter((ecName) => ecName !== type) || []); cb && cb(); track('filterECButton', result); return result; }, loadSDKErrorHandler(type) { const {sdkErrorList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const result = setSdkErrorList([...sdkErrorList, type]); track('loadSDKError', result); return result; }, extraFilterShowHandler(channel) { const {extraChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const result = setExtraChannelList(extraChannelList.filter(ecName => ecName !== channel)); track('extraFilterEvent_show', result); return result; }, extraFilterHideHandler(channel) { const {extraChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const result = setExtraChannelList([...extraChannelList, channel]); track('extraFilterEvent_hide', result); return result; }, disabledChannelListHandler(checkoutData = {}, cb) { const {paymentChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const productDetail = getProductDetail(); const disabledChannelList = paymentChannelList.filter(ecName => { let mustDisable = false; if (!isRequiresShipping() && ecName !== channelEnums.PAYPAL) { mustDisable = true; } if (!_businessUtils.isAllowSubscriptionPay(ecName)) { mustDisable = true; } if (!productDetail?.selected?.available) { mustDisable = true; } const {payment_due} = checkoutData?.prices; const paymentDueNum = Number(payment_due || 0) * 100; const showFlag = paymentDueNum > 0; return mustDisable || !showFlag; }) const result = setDisabledChannelList(disabledChannelList) result?.disabledChannelList?.forEach(ecName => { cb && cb(ecName); }) track('disabledChannelListEvent', result); }, async getCheckoutData() { const formData = _businessUtils.getProductFormData(); const totalPrice = multiply(getProductPrice(), formData?.[0]?.quantity || 0); return { prices: {payment_due: totalPrice, subtotal_price: totalPrice}, orderParams: _businessUtils.getOrderFetchParams(_businessUtils.getProductFormData()), containerDOMIdEnums: containerDomId, ecGlobalVarEnums } }, } return _businessUtils } dom.businessUtilsFn = businessUtils; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('payment_ec_core_ready', { detail: { businessUtils: true } })) } catch (e) { } // 通用渲染方法 try { const dom = document.getElementById('pm-payment-express-button-1539149753700-13'); const containerDOM = 'pm-payment-express-button-container-1539149753700-13'; 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7✨ Celebrate the 30th anniversary of the company and give back to all customers. The first 50 customers who place an order today will receive 50g of gold for free! ✨

Welcome everyone! I'm sure some of you have a little dick and are looking for the solution

I had these thoughts myself too. When women saw my penis, they were often not particularly impressed. Of course, they didn't admit it, but you noticed. 👎

But what can you do about it if you were born this way?

But then I came across the website of an American porn actor. He got to this point and revealed the secret of all porn actors having a massive members. They use a special tool.

Understanding Prostate Issues: Causes and Prevention


Men's prostate problems occur with age, living habits, frequent sex, etc. The prostate, as an important component of the reproductive system, is located below the bladder and serves vital functions. However, various factors can contribute to prostate problems. Age is one of the main risk factors, as the prostate naturally tends to enlarge over time, leading to urinary symptoms such as frequent urination, weak urine flow, urinary retention, and urinary tract discomfort or burning sensation. Additionally, it can give rise to conditions like prostate calculi, prostatitis, sexual dysfunction, and prostate cancer. Hormonal imbalances and genetic factors may also play a role in prostate problems. In certain cases, infection or inflammation can also contribute to the occurrence of conditions like prostatitis. 

Do you suffer from prostate problems? Be it prostate cancer, prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate stones, difficult and painful urination, urinary incontinence, painful urination, abdominal pain, and a constant feeling of a full bladder. However, our innovative Prostate Herbal Capsules will be your first weapon in maintaining prostate health. Continue to use prostate herbal capsule products to fundamentally protect the health of the prostate and the health of the whole body! Improve the combat effectiveness of men!

"I have prostate stones. I urinate much more easily now!"

After a month of consistent use of herbal capsules for prostate stones, I found that my urinary frequency, urgency, urinary retention and sexual dysfunction have improved significantly. Now I can better control my urine and say goodbye to the inconvenience of urinary retention. Also, the herbal capsule treatment successfully overcame my sexual dysfunction and brought our sex life back to a healthy and harmonious state. These positive changes not only freed me up in my daily life but also rekindled my optimism. I am very satisfied with the effect of the treatment, and I can appreciate the beauty of life. Now, my wife and I have a happier and more fulfilling relationship, making our lives richer and happier!

"My enlarged prostate issue has returned to normal, and I feel significantly lighter in my body!"

As an older man with prostate problems, I sincerely recommend using Natural Herbal Prostate Capsules. In February of this year, I was diagnosed with enlarged prostate after consulting a doctor and started using this product. Since then, I have clearly felt a significant improvement in my overall health. My prostate condition has improved significantly, and my daily urination is comfortable and pain-free. This proven solution has definitely had a positive impact on my quality of life.


"My prostate cancer turned better, what an amazing herbal capsule!"

This question bothers me a lot due to my prostate cancer issues. I went to the hospital to consult a doctor and took a CT scan. However, with the continuous use of Prostate Herbal Capsules when I had this prostate cancer problem, I noticed positive changes in my body. Every month I go back to the hospital to take CT scans. It has been getting better every month for several months, and now it is completely healed. Now, my urination is completely back to normal and I don't feel any pain or discomfort anymore. More importantly, I'm glad I no longer have to constantly get up at night to pee. It can be said that the freedom of life has returned to me! I am very happy with these results and have a positive attitude again. Look, to my surprise, my lower body became stronger and stronger!

"Prostate Enlargement is gone for good
, what amazing Capsules !"

Before my penis becomes long! And that's after only one week! Oh, my God!
Girls are crazy about me. 😍 When I wear leggings, she looks what I expected. You must see the look! I bet they all picture them being fucked hard by me and my huge dick. 😜
I never thought that a big penis would turn women on so easily. 😎 And when they have sex, they just moan and ejaculate several times in a row. It's so cool! 😵
I live in Trier and the shipping was really fast. The treatment was delivered after only 7 days and I paid (which was really helpful).

Prostate Herbal Capsules: Elevate Your Prostate Health and Reclaim Your Vitality!

Unlock the secret to prostate vitality with Prostate Herbal Capsules. We utilize an advanced formula that includes ingredients like Morinda officinalis, isoflavones, Morinda officinalis polysaccharide, Morinda sterol, nuciferin, and red ginsenoside Rg3. These components are associated with improving overall prostate health, alleviating prostate hyperplasia, reducing urinary frequency, relieving abdominal pain, clearing prostate stones, mitigating prostate cancer, and promoting healthy urinary function. We spare no effort in enhancing your health level.

 Regain control and confidence! Prostate Herbal Capsules strengthen your prostate and bladder, eliminating sexual dysfunction and embarrassing urine leakage. We have carefully selected 100% natural ingredients to harness the power of nature to free those in trouble to perform activities without worry.

 Embrace Vigor and Pleasure! Let Prostate Herbal Capsules be your ally for prostate health. Our expertly blended ingredients deliver maximum effectiveness, whether it's improving prostate functions or restoring bladder control. Don't let prostate problems hold you back. Choose Prostate Herbal Capsules to reclaim comfort and joy in your life, according to your desires!

Choose Prostate Herbal Capsules and say goodbye to prostate problems. It selects natural ingredients to effectively enhance the function of the prostate gland and also provide you with comfortable urine control. Stop letting prostate problems get in the way of your life and enjoy some free time!

Nature’s Prostate Herbs: The Key Ingredients

Morinda officinalis: also known as Ba Ji Tian, is an herbaceous plant rich in flavonoid compounds. These compounds, including Morinda flavonoids and Iridoid flavonoids, have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that play a significant role in maintaining prostate health. They help neutralize free radicals, reduce oxidative stress damage to the prostate, and alleviate symptoms such as prostatitis, prostate stones, prostate cancer, frequent urination, and urgency caused by inflammation.

Additionally, Morinda officinalis contains polysaccharides that contribute to prostate health. These polysaccharides regulate immune function, enhance immunity, and improve the body's ability to fight inflammation. Prostate issues are often related to immune dysfunction and imbalanced inflammatory responses, but the polysaccharides in Morinda officinalis can help improve immune status and reduce inflammation-related damage to the prostate. Overall, products containing Morinda officinalis can assist in maintaining prostate health and improving quality of life.

 Radix Astragali Astragalus is rich in polysaccharides, which have antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects, and may help reduce prostatic inflammation and improve immune function. Nuciferin, one of the main active ingredients in astragalus, is said to have antineoplastic, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce the development of prostate tumors.

Ginseng Contains mainly ginsenosides, a class of compounds with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects. Red ginsenoside Rg3 is a specific type of ginsenoside. They have been shown to have antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties and are thought to be beneficial in the treatment and prevention of prostate cancer, helping to reduce inflammation of the prostate and promote the health of prostate cells.

Angelica, Cornus officinalis, Amomum officinalis, and Toosendan: all have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation in the prostate and protect prostate tissue. They also improve circulation, boost blood supply, and help flush out metabolites and toxins.

What Makes Prostate Herbal Capsules The Best Choice?

       ✅ Reduces frequent urination

       ✅ Improves blood circulation

       ✅ Strengthens bladder

       ✅ Decreases sexual dysfunction

       ✅ Targets specific prostate issues such as enlarged prostate and prostatitis

       ✅ Helps reduce inflammation and pain associated with prostate issues

       ✅ Helps treat prostate cancer and prostate stones

Clinically Proven And Tested By Experts

Prostate health begins with meticulous care! We are proud to present Prostate Herbal Capsules, the highly recommended prostate product by Dr. Roberts, MD.

As an outstanding representative in the field of urology, Dr. Roberts has received notable achievements and recognition for his groundbreaking research in prostate health, including the prestigious Award for Excellence in Urological Surgery.

Clinical studies published in urology journals have provided undeniable scientific evidence of the significant benefits of Prostate Herbal Capsules in relieving prostate discomfort and supporting overall prostate health.

Dr. Roberts is an esteemed member of the American Urological Association (AUA) and the International Society of Urology (ISU), reaffirming his commitment to staying at the forefront of advancements in this field. Trust in the expert recommendation of Prostate Herbal Capsules to provide you with the highest standard of prostate care and experience remarkable benefits for your well-being!


More Customers Rave About Prostate Herbal Capsules


  1. Have a clean bowel movement and clean the area at the end of the rectum near the bladder
  2. Place a prostate herbal capsule in the rectum next to the prostate
  3. Wait 20-30 minutes
  4. Let the prostate absorb the essence of herbal capsules
  5. Use as directed and follow a regular application routine for optimal results.


  • Type: Capsules
  • Target User: Men
  • Net Content: Pack of 7 capsules;

    Shelf Life: 24 months

  • Origin: New Jersey, USA

NOTE:  Store this product in a dry and cool place and keep it away from light.                        

           If you feel discomfort during use, please stop using it.

Product Includes

  • Prostate Natural Herbal Capsules Save Prostate Health

We Take Pride In Our Products.

Your Safety Is Our Priority.


  • We ship worldwide
  • If you have any questions, please get in touch with our customer service staff member for assistance!


  • 📦 Insured Worldwide Shipping: Each order includes real-time tracking details and insurance coverage in the unlikely event that a package gets lost or stolen in transit.
  • 💰 Money-Back Guarantee: If your items arrive damaged or become defective within 15 days of normal usage, we will gladly issue a replacement or refund.
  • ✉️ 24/7 Customer Support: We have a team of live reps ready to help and answer any questions you have within a 24-hour time frame, 7 days a week.

For every product purchase, we donate a portion of our profits to support the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. This organization is dedicated to finding cures for childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases and providing world-class care to children who are battling these illnesses. By choosing our products, you are helping to provide hope and healing to children and families who are facing unimaginable challenges. Join us in supporting St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and helping to make a real difference in the lives of these children.

    St.Jude Children'sResearch Hospital