TCare® Detox & Firming Repair & Pink and Tender T-Mask PRO
TCare® Detox & Firming Repair & Pink and Tender T-Mask PRO
TCare® Detox & Firming Repair & Pink and Tender T-Mask PRO
TCare® Detox & Firming Repair & Pink and Tender T-Mask PRO
TCare® Detox & Firming Repair & Pink and Tender T-Mask PRO
TCare® Detox & Firming Repair & Pink and Tender T-Mask PRO
TCare® Detox & Firming Repair & Pink and Tender T-Mask PRO
TCare® Detox & Firming Repair & Pink and Tender T-Mask PRO

TCare® Detox & Firming Repair & Pink and Tender T-Mask PRO

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🆗Filed with the FDA & EU Certification 🆗Returnable within 30 days of receipt of shipment
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const getPluginI18nMessages = (message, replaceObj = {}) => { const lang = document.documentElement.lang || "en-US"; const [form, key] = message.split('.') let text = window.payment_plugin_message['en-US'][form][key]; if (window.payment_plugin_message[lang][form].hasOwnProperty(key)) { text = window.payment_plugin_message[lang][form][key]; } Object.keys(replaceObj).forEach(key => { text = text.replace(new RegExp(`\{${key}\}`, 'gi'), replaceObj[key]); }) return text; } const zhCN = { ec: { not_active_channel: "请到收款设置中{channelName}或在「快捷支付按钮」设置中选择其他的服务提供方,否则按钮将无法展示", not_support_theme: "当前主题不支持添加「快捷支付按钮」", more_button: "更多支付方式", skeleton_layer_tips_title: "快捷支付按钮", skeleton_layer_tips_content: "请点击左侧列表中的「快捷支付按钮」,在设置页面开启想要的展示的支付按钮", mock_tips: "快捷支付按钮是否展示还取决于买家使用的浏览器以及商品的货币、金额", not_find_form_tips: "快捷支付按钮组件仅支持配置到商品详情卡片内", } }; const zhTW = { ec: { not_active_channel: "请到收款设置中{channelName}或在「快捷支付按钮」设置中选择其他的服务提供方,否则按钮将无法展示", not_support_theme: "当前主题不支持添加「快捷支付按钮」", more_button: "更多付款方式", } }; const arSA = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "المزيد من خيارات الدفع", } }; const deDE = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Weitere Bezahlmöglichkeiten", } }; const esES = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Más opciones de pago", } }; const frFR = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Plus d'options de paiement", } }; const idID = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Opsi pembayaran lainnya", } }; const itIT = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Altre opzioni di pagamento", } }; const jaJP = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "その他の支払いオプション", } }; const koKR = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "더 많은 결제 옵션", } }; const enUS = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "More payment options", skeleton_layer_tips_title: "Express Checkout Button", skeleton_layer_tips_content: "Please click the「Express checkout button」on the block list,then you could enable the payment option you want to display in settings.", mock_tips: "Whether the Express checkout button is displayed also depends on the browser used by the buyer and the currency and amount of the product.", not_find_form_tips: "Express Checkout Button could only be added to Product details block.", } }; const nlNL = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Meer betalingsmogelijkheden", } }; const plPL = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Więcej Opcji Płatności", } }; const ptPT = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Mais opções de pagamento", } }; const ruRU = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Другие варианты оплаты", } }; const thTH = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "ตัวเลือกการชำระเงินเพิ่มเติม", } }; 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const coreData = function () { const {getProduct} = dom.commonUtils; let productDetail = getProduct(); let productPrice = productDetail?.selected?.price || 24.97; const shopCurrencyCode = "USD"; const expressCheckoutList = { sdkErrorList: [], paymentChannelList: [], disabledChannelList: [], showChannelList: [], blockChannelList: [], extraChannelList: [], }; const channelType = { googlepay: ['shoplazzagoogle'], applepay: ['shoplazzaapple'], credit: ['paypal'] }; const ecGlobalVarEnums = { paypal: 'pluginPaypalEC' }; const providerEnums = { SHOPLAZZA: 'shoplazza', STRIPE: 'stripe', PAYPAL: 'paypal' }; const channelEnums = { SHOPLAZZA_GOOGLE: 'shoplazzagoogle', SHOPLAZZA_APPLE: 'shoplazzaapple', STRIPE_GOOGLE: 'stripegoogle', STRIPE_APPLE: 'stripeapple', PAYPAL: 'paypal' }; const channelThemeConfig = { [channelEnums.PAYPAL]: { default: { url: 'oss/operation/f557c83808e1cd456411170286a1ea95.svg', classList: ['paypal-card'], }, }, [channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_GOOGLE]: { light: { url: 'oss/operation/778afb93da43adf75bdc80b078e5d4fd.svg', classList: ['googlepay-light'], }, dark: { url: 'oss/operation/e53180c224f0b0af44b44663775aa930.svg', classList: ['googlepay-dark'], }, }, [channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_APPLE]: { light: { url: 'oss/operation/dadceb884044e0a9bbfe26c15192f542.svg', classList: ['applepay-light'], }, dark: { url: 'oss/operation/6597f66eac8b0681ebfb75941e8f6f52.svg', classList: ['applepay-dark'], }, }, }; function getContainerDomId() { const domIdObj = {}; Object.keys(providerEnums).forEach(key => { domIdObj[providerEnums[key]] = FormatterContainerDomId(providerEnums[key]) }) return domIdObj; } function FormatterContainerDomId(provider) { const domIDSuffix = '-express-button-container'; const prefix = 'pm-'; return `${prefix}${provider}${domIDSuffix}-1539149753700-13` } return { ecGlobalVarEnums, providerEnums, channelEnums, productPrice, shopCurrencyCode, getChannelThemeConfig(ecName) { const themeType = window.PaymentEC?.settings?.express_theme_configs?.[ecName]?.theme_type?.toLowerCase() || 'default'; return channelThemeConfig[ecName][themeType] || channelThemeConfig[ecName]['dark']; }, getProductPrice() { return productDetail?.selected?.price; }, getProductDetail() { return productDetail; }, setProductDetail(data) { productDetail = data; }, isRequiresShipping() { return productDetail?.product?.requires_shipping }, getOpenChannelType() { const {paymentChannelList, blockChannelList} = expressCheckoutList const openList = paymentChannelList.filter(item => blockChannelList.includes(item)) || []; return { hasApplepay: openList.filter(item => channelType.applepay.includes(item))?.length > 0, hasGooglepay: openList.filter(item => channelType.googlepay.includes(item))?.length > 0, hasCredit: openList.filter(item => > 0 } }, containerDomId: getContainerDomId(), channel2ProviderEnums: { [channelEnums.PAYPAL]: providerEnums.PAYPAL, [channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_GOOGLE]: providerEnums.SHOPLAZZA, [channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_APPLE]: providerEnums.SHOPLAZZA, [channelEnums.STRIPE_GOOGLE]: providerEnums.STRIPE, [channelEnums.STRIPE_APPLE]: providerEnums.STRIPE, }, getExpressCheckoutList() { return expressCheckoutList; }, setShowChannel(showChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.showChannelList = showChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setBlockChannel(blockChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.blockChannelList = blockChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setPaymentChannelList(paymentChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.paymentChannelList = paymentChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setSdkErrorList(paymentChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.sdkErrorList = paymentChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setExtraChannelList(extraChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.extraChannelList = extraChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setDisabledChannelList(disabledChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.disabledChannelList = disabledChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; } } } dom.coreDataFn = coreData; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('payment_ec_core_ready', { detail: { coreData: true } })) } catch (e) { console.log(e); } // 通用业务数据处理方法 try { const dom = document.getElementById('pm-payment-express-button-1539149753700-13') const businessUtils = function () { const {track, isChrome, isSafari, req, isPreview, multiply} = dom.commonUtils; const {getProductPrice, containerDomId, ecGlobalVarEnums} = dom.coreData; const { channelEnums, shopCurrencyCode, isRequiresShipping, getProductDetail, setShowChannel, setBlockChannel, setSdkErrorList, setExtraChannelList, setDisabledChannelList, setPaymentChannelList, getExpressCheckoutList } = dom.coreData; const _businessUtils = { getECConfig: async () => { if (window.PaymentEC?.settings) { return window.PaymentEC?.settings; } const result = await req.get('/api/payment/settings'); const ecConfig = result?.settings?.express_checkout_config || {}; const {blockChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); setPaymentChannelList(blockChannelList.filter(ecName => ecConfig?.express_channels?.includes(ecName)) || []); window.PaymentEC.settings = {...ecConfig, currencyCode: shopCurrencyCode}; return window.PaymentEC.settings; }, getAttributeConfig(channelInfo) { const {ecGlobalVar, ecName} = channelInfo; const config = { paypal: { 'data-namespace': ecGlobalVar } }; return config[ecName] || {}; }, getThemeFormData() { let themeFormData = {}; const formDOM = dom.closest("form"); if (formDOM) { themeFormData = { note: '', product_id: '', variant_id: '', quantity: 1, properties: {}, }; const formData = new FormData(formDOM); const formDataKey = formData.keys(); for (const key of formDataKey) { const value = formData.get(key); const propertiesKey = key.match(/^properties(?:\.(\w+)$|\[(\w+)\]$)/); if (!propertiesKey) { themeFormData[key] = value; continue; } const objKey = propertiesKey[1] || propertiesKey[2]; themeFormData['properties'] = {...themeFormData['properties'], [objKey]: value}; } } return themeFormData; }, getProductFormData() { const themeFormData = _businessUtils.getThemeFormData() return [{ ...themeFormData, note: themeFormData?.note || "", product_id: themeFormData?.product_id || "", variant_id: themeFormData?.variant_id || "", quantity: themeFormData?.quantity || 1, // 与主题确认,只以一个为准,防止form不存在的数据仍被传递 properties: themeFormData?.properties || {}, }] }, getOrderFetchParams(data) { if (!data) { return {}; } return { line_items: => ({ ...item, note: item?.note || "", quantity: item?.quantity || 1, product_id: item?.product_id, variant_id: item?.variant_id, properties: item?.properties, })), refer_info: { source: 'buy_now', }, customer_note: '', }; }, isAllowTheme() { const allowThemeList = ['Nova 2023', 'Dropshiping', 'Geek', 'Hero']; const currentTheme = window?.C_SETTINGS?.theme?.merchant_theme_name; return allowThemeList.includes(currentTheme); }, getSubscriptionIdInit() { let defaultID; const selectSubscriptionEnum = { CLOSE: 1, ACTIVE: 2, } const productDetail = getProductDetail(); const sellingPlan = ""; if (!sellingPlan || typeof sellingPlan !== "object") { return null; } let sellingItems; if (sellingPlan?.spu?.[productDetail?.product?.id]) { sellingItems = sellingPlan.spu[productDetail?.product?.id] } if (sellingPlan?.sku?.[productDetail?.selected?.id]) { sellingItems = sellingPlan.sku[productDetail?.product?.id] } if (sellingItems?.cycles === selectSubscriptionEnum.ACTIVE && sellingItems?.selected_selling_plan_option_id) { defaultID = sellingItems?.selected_selling_plan_option_id } return defaultID ?? null }, getSubscriptionId() { const formData = _businessUtils.getThemeFormData(); const defaultID = _businessUtils.getSubscriptionIdInit(); console.log(`[paymentEC]订阅信息:form-${formData?.properties?._selling_plan_option_id},默认-${defaultID}`); if (formData?.properties) { return formData?.properties?._selling_plan_option_id } return defaultID ?? null; }, isSubscription() { return !!_businessUtils.getSubscriptionId(); }, isAllowSubscriptionPay(channel) { if (!_businessUtils.isSubscription()) { return true; } return [channelEnums.PAYPAL].includes(channel); }, blockChannelHandler() { const block_googlePay = true && "shoplazzagoogle"; const block_applePay = true && "shoplazzaapple"; const block_credit = true && "paypal"; const blockChannel = { googlepay: (isPreview() || isChrome()) && block_googlePay, applepay: (isPreview() || isSafari()) && block_applePay, credit: block_credit }; const sortList = ['credit', 'googlepay', 'applepay']; const methodSort = Object.keys(blockChannel).filter(key => blockChannel[key] && key).sort((a, b) => { const indexA = sortList.indexOf(a); const indexB = sortList.indexOf(b); return indexA - indexB; }).map(key => blockChannel[key]); const result = setBlockChannel(methodSort); track('setBlockChannel', result); return result; }, showECButtonHandler() { const { paymentChannelList, sdkErrorList, disabledChannelList, extraChannelList, } = getExpressCheckoutList(); const showChannelList = paymentChannelList.filter((ecName) => !sdkErrorList.includes(ecName) && !disabledChannelList.includes(ecName) && !extraChannelList.includes(ecName)) || []; const result = setShowChannel(showChannelList); track('showECButton', result); return result; }, filterECButtonHandler({type}, cb) { const { paymentChannelList, sdkErrorList, disabledChannelList, extraChannelList, } = getExpressCheckoutList(); const showChannelList = paymentChannelList.filter((ecName) => !sdkErrorList.includes(ecName) && !disabledChannelList.includes(ecName) && !extraChannelList.includes(ecName)) || []; const result = setShowChannel(showChannelList.filter((ecName) => ecName !== type) || []); cb && cb(); track('filterECButton', result); return result; }, loadSDKErrorHandler(type) { const {sdkErrorList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const result = setSdkErrorList([...sdkErrorList, type]); track('loadSDKError', result); return result; }, extraFilterShowHandler(channel) { const {extraChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const result = setExtraChannelList(extraChannelList.filter(ecName => ecName !== channel)); track('extraFilterEvent_show', result); return result; }, extraFilterHideHandler(channel) { const {extraChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const result = setExtraChannelList([...extraChannelList, channel]); track('extraFilterEvent_hide', result); return result; }, disabledChannelListHandler(checkoutData = {}, cb) { const {paymentChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const productDetail = getProductDetail(); const disabledChannelList = paymentChannelList.filter(ecName => { let mustDisable = false; if (!isRequiresShipping() && ecName !== channelEnums.PAYPAL) { mustDisable = true; } if (!_businessUtils.isAllowSubscriptionPay(ecName)) { mustDisable = true; } if (!productDetail?.selected?.available) { mustDisable = true; } const {payment_due} = checkoutData?.prices; const paymentDueNum = Number(payment_due || 0) * 100; const showFlag = paymentDueNum > 0; return mustDisable || !showFlag; }) const result = setDisabledChannelList(disabledChannelList) result?.disabledChannelList?.forEach(ecName => { cb && cb(ecName); }) track('disabledChannelListEvent', result); }, async getCheckoutData() { const formData = _businessUtils.getProductFormData(); const totalPrice = multiply(getProductPrice(), formData?.[0]?.quantity || 0); return { prices: {payment_due: totalPrice, subtotal_price: totalPrice}, orderParams: _businessUtils.getOrderFetchParams(_businessUtils.getProductFormData()), containerDOMIdEnums: containerDomId, ecGlobalVarEnums } }, } return _businessUtils } dom.businessUtilsFn = businessUtils; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('payment_ec_core_ready', { detail: { businessUtils: true } })) } catch (e) { } // 通用渲染方法 try { const dom = document.getElementById('pm-payment-express-button-1539149753700-13'); const containerDOM = 'pm-payment-express-button-container-1539149753700-13'; const commonRenderUtils = function () { return { addChildrenDOM(id, allowShow, options = {}) { if (!id) { return; } const paymentEl = document.getElementById(containerDOM); const childrenEL = document.getElementById(id); if (paymentEl && childrenEL) { = allowShow ? 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【Professional】Keep the private parts pink and tender - firming and anti-itching - detoxification and slimming in weeks! 

It will be out of stock soon. Today is the last day of sales. We will offer the first 100 customers who place an order today two packs of T-Mask and beautiful packaging for free.

Definitely make your husband or boyfriend put it down and can't stop! During frequent sex, the private parts become black and loose, keeping the private parts pink and tender? 

TCare® can help you restore the pink and delicate appearance of your private parts, making your private parts as tender, firm, and rosy as a girl's!

Take a look at what our happy customers are saying:

My friend told me she was using this product to tighten her private parts and help with her irregular periods. It sounded unbelievable, but she said it did work. So I tried it and found out she was right! I suffered from a rather serious gynecological condition and had seen many doctors in the past years, but all did nothing to me. I got swelling and a very bad odor in my private parts, which almost completely made it impossible for my hubby to touch me at night. I became depressed, my endocrine system gradually became dysfunctional, and my body became fat and out of shape as a result of that... However, after using TCare® T-Mask, all these things changed completely as it effectively eliminated my chronic bacterial infection and inflammation as well as vaginal odor. It restored my pink color and tightness! lol Plus it also unblocked my body channels so I could get body waste removed and get in shape quickly. My husband now loves me so much you know in terms of sex!

Betty Murphy, 32, Los Angeles, California


After 2 pregnancies and a lot of sex, my lady flower lost its tightness and pink appearance even with a bad odor. My hubby always had excuses to stay away from me in bed. At the same time, overeating made me gain a lot of weight. When my life was about to be in a mess, I came across TCare® Vaginal Detoxifying Mask, which totally changed my life. This TCare Vaginal Detox Repair Mask eliminates melanin deposits and odor, leaving my private parts pinker and tighter. In addition, I can also feel positive changes in my body as I feel my body gets lighter and free of body waste. In only 8 weeks, my husband and I have been on a roller coaster ride of what feels like the life and death of our marriage.

Catherine Stevens, 38, Baltimore, Maryland 

What are female reproductive system diseases?

Diseases of the female reproductive system are gynecological diseases. Gynecological diseases include vulvar diseases, vaginal diseases, uterine diseases, fallopian tube diseases, ovarian diseases, etc. Gynecological diseases are common diseases in women, which imperial foreign methods can treat. Many people lack due awareness of gynecological diseases and lack health care for their bodies. Coupled with various bad living habits of some women, their physical health deteriorates, resulting in some women suffering from diseases that cannot be cured for a long time. These will bring great difficulties and inconvenience to normal life and work.

Because of the special body structure of women, it is easier for toxins to accumulate in the uterus and vagina, mainly manifested as vaginal odor, itching, dryness, relaxation, dull color, abnormal leucorrhea, and frequent inflammation. Therefore, many gynecological diseases will occur, which will lead to great changes in the human body or psychology, and seriously affect the sexual life of husband and wife.

Research and experiments have proved that: TCare® T-Mask has a very effective prevention and treatment effect on gynecological diseases.

Dr. Sarah and her team & TCare® T-Mask 

Developed by Dr. Sarah and her team, TCare® T-Mask contains a variety of recombinant human collagen, L-lysine, and a variety of botanicals, which can inhibit bacteria and viruses inside the reproductive system and effectively remove toxins accumulated in the vagina and uterus and melanin, normalize the function of the endocrine and circulatory systems and finally restore the health of the reproductive system within 3-5 sessions.

"TCare® T-Mask is a milestone in my research career and I am very proud of our team for creating a product that is an excellent solution to eliminate toxins, regulate the endocrine system and restore vaginal health in women."

How does TCare® Vaginal Detox & Firming Repair & Pink and Tender T-Mask Mask Work?

Do you know what it is? After giving birth and During frequent sex, the private parts become black and loose, keeping the private parts pink and tender.TCare®  T-Mask can help you restore the pink and delicate appearance of your private parts, making your private parts as tender, firm, and rosy as a girl's!

Use TCare® Vaginal Detox  T-Mask for 20 minutes a day to help prevent or treat reproductive disorders. Experiments show that: TCare® can effectively eliminate swelling and decay in the private parts in a short time, and eliminate various inflammations and odors. Thereby restoring the private parts as delicate and rosy as a girl, firm and elastic. At the same time, it also clears the body's detoxification channels, removes the accumulation of toxins, and loses weight quickly.

Your and your husband's dream: This TCare® Vaginal Detox Repair Mask can eliminate melanin and make private parts whiter. At the same time, it tightens the vagina and revitalizes it!

TCare® Vaginal Detox Repair Mask keeps the vagina healthy

TCare® Vaginal Detox Repair Mask gives females a healthy reproductive system and uterus. Based on clinical studies, women using this product for 30-days have a lower risk of getting vaginitis, cervical erosion, fungal infection, cold uterus, and irregular menstruation. It can regulate the endocrine system and stimulate emotional excitement, play the role of detoxifying the body, and aid in weight loss.

All-natural Ingredients 

TCare® Vaginal Detox Repair Mask uses 100% natural ingredients and materials. Two-thirds of the materials come from professional cooperative planting bases around the world and the adopted technologies are the most advanced supercritical fluid extraction and ion exchange extraction in the plant extraction industry. Unique molecules in the raw materials are mixed in precise proportions to produce the TCare® Vaginal Detox Repair Mask. The essence extracts contained in one piece of the mask come from 3-6 pounds of expensive raw materials.

Ingredients: Ginger, L-Arginine, Aloe Vera, Amur Corktree Bark, Dandelion, Kudzu Root, Saffron, Schisandra, Sophora flavescens, Collagen Powder.

L- Arginine

L-Arginine contains an organic compound called amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins that are essential for a variety of bodily processes and functions, including the reproductive system, blood circulation, reducing swelling, and flushing out toxins hidden in fat and bones.

L- Arginine is clinically proven to be able to be absorbed by the body and strengthen your reproductive system and lymphatic system, remove congestion and create healthy detoxification pathways to remove waste accumulated in your body.

Tracy’s 8-week Vaginal Detox & Firming Repair & Pink and Tender journey with the help of T-Mask:

Week 1

This Vaginal Detox & Firming Repair & Pink and Tender T-Mask are really good! After playing with my phone for 20 minutes before going to bed every day for 3 weeks, my private parts have gradually changed positively, just like the toxins and fats in my body are slowly being decomposed. Bacteria and viruses that grow in private parts are gradually cleaned up and eliminated. At the same time, inflammation and odor disappeared. My mood improved and I stopped overeating, my bloated feeling was gone, and my tummy was slimmer. I also feel lighter and more energetic now. I am excited to see more results in the coming weeks.

Week 5

After using the T-Mask for 5 weeks, my whole body and my intimate area are completely new. The itching, burning pain, and pain during sex all disappeared. My husband and I are sex life back to what it was when we first got married, he loves me more and I'm more confident. Therefore, I will continue to use it to kill all the hidden dangers of reproductive system diseases. Let's wait and see!

Week 8

Excellent! I never thought this would be a game-changer for me! My private parts have become as pink as a girl, the melanin has completely disappeared, and the original state of relaxation has become firm and elastic. Moreover, their endocrine has been greatly improved, and now has healthier and more beautiful body. My husband is so happy to see my great body transformation as our married life is happier than ever... such a female-friendly product is very useful. I highly recommend it to my friends!

Tracy Cohen, 30, Austin, Texas

What makes the TCare® Vaginal Detox Repair Mask your great choice?

  • Whitensprivate parts and tightens vagina
  • Improves the body’s metabolism
  • Preventsgynecological diseases
  • Fast & visible results in 7 days
  • Eliminates fat and toxins

Usage Guide


  • Each 20-30 minutes, a mask can only be used 2-3 times, and can be recyclable;
  • Gynecological disease (any reproductive system disease) for any woman;
  • Natural elements, apply to any skin. Without any side effects such as allergies, please use it with confidence.

Package Includes:

  • TCare® Vaginal Detox & Firming Repair & Pink and Tender T-Mask*1
  • Origin: United States

For each piece of our product purchased, we donate a portion of our profit to support the Cruelty-Free International organization, which helps to promote the protection of animals and end animal cruelty around the globe.  By purchasing our product, you are supporting our cause to provide a more animal-friendly beauty culture. Don't hesitate to contribute to corporate your passion for beauty and animals today. 


  • We ship worldwide
  • If you have any questions, please contact our customer service staff member for assistance!


  • 📦 Insured Worldwide Shipping: Each order includes real-time tracking details and insurance coverage in the unlikely event that a package gets lost or stolen in transit.
  • 💰 Money-Back Guarantee: If your items arrive damaged or become defective within 15 days of normal usage, we will gladly issue a replacement or refund.
  • ✉️ 24/7 Customer Support: We have a team of live reps ready to help and answer any questions you have within a 24-hour time frame, 7 days a week.